Forts game mine upgrage costs
Forts game mine upgrage costs

  • Infantry is great damage sponges, even at low levels and without any investments into training and parts.
  • While it's tempting to use powerful tanks or high-damaging artillery, don't scratch out infantry from your army roster at the beginning. Make sure you invest in the Industry tree as much as possible and research only those Military technologies that are required to complete tutorial missions. Without resources, you will get stuck there for a long time. While you might get a short-term advantage with Military at the beginning, it will be neglected once you reach Command Center Lvl. Investing in the Industry tree allows you to farm and produce those resources faster, building a good foundation for steady growth.


    The reason is exponentially growing building's upgrade cost (both for resources produced and collected on the field).

    forts game mine upgrage costs

    While it seems like a military tree gives way more battle power and access to advanced units (which is true), investing everything in the tree at the beginning is the worst idea ever. Prioritizing Military technology over Industry oneĪnother common mistake by those who just started playing. There are some PvP events and need to control important territory objectives with your alliance, so make sure you join an active one - ideally with its own discord server to communicate and find support. Not only you will miss alliance gifts (there are 2 types of those - for destroying bunkers and purchasing items from the in-game shop) but you will also fail to complete objectives of the Urban Combat Plan event while playing in a dead alliance. Signs of a potentially dead alliance - default commander's name, 3/50 members, no approvals required. It might be ok to finish the task and move further with the tutorial but it's a very bad idea to stay there for a long time. During the tutorial mission, one of the tasks is to join any alliance and most people jump into random one for the sake of completing it. Joining an inactive allianceīeing part of any alliance is a key part of the whole game - it is not possible to survive on your own. Note: I will not advocate spending here, it's entirely your decision.

    forts game mine upgrage costs

    Same applies for purchasing - for the equivalent price of the gold packages on the foreign exchange tab you can get more value while buying gift packages. After that, aim to invest into VIP 8 (for interim resource collection speed bonuses and +1 airlift). 4 (to get 1 universal coupon from the daily VIP chest), you can buy 5000 VIP points for the same amount of gold. Unless you're whaling, never spend gold on speedups, resources or drawing units. Jurisdiction event has a task to spend Production and Research speedups - same as certain days of the Grand Showdown) so make sure you wait till the right objective kicks in. Most of them have similar objectives (i.e. Starting from a 5-days Call to Rally, moving into Jurisdiction, Arms Race and eventually unlocking Grand Showdown events.Īll resources you have (speedups, coupons, unit assembling etc.) should be spent ONLY during the relevant event is ongoing. Warpath has several events unlocking gradually with your city age. Upgrading the correct buildings first and knowing how much they will cost in future gives you a huge advantage early game.Some events are time-limited - don't miss those! It will allow you to save the necessary resources and utilize them later on with an extra benefit. Learn which events are upcoming and what objectives they have.Make yourself familiar with how the game mechanic works, what type of units it has and how is the best to manage resources - both gathering and technology ones.Players trying to get quick wins will be stronger short-term but will fall behind mid- to late-game (I'm not talking about whales investing $10k+ here).

    forts game mine upgrage costs

    Warpath is not a sprint game, it's more like a marathon. The list below is a compilation of typical mistakes that beginners (myself included!) tend to do most often. If you rush and make bad decisions, they will have consequences on your long-term prosperity. Warpath is a real-time strategy game with the ability to upgrade units and grow your power over time.

    Forts game mine upgrage costs